As a child, I used to pore over maps to see if i can find towns outside India having same name as Indian towns. Remember seeing places like Hyderabad ( In Telangana/India as well as in Pakistan), Kochi ( Kerala as well as Japan). With the help of Geonames site and Microsoft Excel, i checked for all towns with poplulation more than 500. As expected, there are common town names in Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan, owing to cultural similarity. Given below are the ones i found interesting
There are three Agra's i could find. First one is the Agra in India famous for Taj Mahal. But was surprised to see Agras in Greece and Italy as well
I almost missed an Agra in Switzerland because it had a population less than 500. But just adding it here. Could not find any details linking these Agras to the Indian Agra.
There are multiple Delhi's in USA
Quoting wiki:
The town is named after the city of Delhi, the capital territory of India. The name was in honor of founder Ebenezer Foote, who was known as "The Great Mogul". Another founder, Erastus Root, a rival of Foote, is responsible for the pronunciation. Root preferred the name "Mapleton". When he learned the town was to be named Delhi, he exclaimed, "Delhi, Hell-high! Might as well call it Foote-high."
An article about Delhi in Delaware
There is a Dhaka in India apart from the famous Bangladeshi capital Dhaka
The Indian Dhaka is also an old town and hence does not seem like it was named after Bangladeshi Dhaka.
This one i knew beforehand.
Both these cities have the same toponym, quoting Wiki again:
The city was named in honour of Ali, the fourth caliph and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad. Hyderabad's name translates literally as "Lion City" - from haydar, meaning "lion," and ābād, which is a suffix indicating a settlement.
This one is also know to many. There is a Kochi in Kerala, India and another Kochi in Japan
There are Lucknows in India and Australia
This article tries to analyze why the town in Australia was named Lucknow and seems to suggest a connection between naming of the city and the events of Siege of Lucknow
There is a Patna in Scotland apart from the original Indian Patna. Patna in Scotland was established by William Fullarton and seemingly named after the city of his birth.
Interesting BBC video on the the same
There are multiple Salems, apart from the Salem in Tamil Nadu, India which is what Indians are usually familiar with
There are many Salems in USA, most famous being Salem, Massachussets
But i was surpised to find a Salem in Germany Salem in Indonesia, Salem in Motserratt
All these Salems outside India seem to have root in Arabic/Jewish name Salim/Salem meaning safe or un-damaged.
The full list of towns are given below, click on it to view the data